A tooth decay or what is properly termed as dental caries, is a very common dental problem and it is one of the leading problems that people encounter with their teeth. Bacteria are ever-present in the mouth and so is saliva; when these two come into contact with food that easily breaks into sugars, the mouth becomes susceptible. Bacterial invasion may lead to gum disease, but sometimes it affects the tooth and leads to tooth decay. When this happens, a cavity will be formed on the tooth and the infection will spread, eating away on healthy structures. Depending on how much tooth structure is involved, some sensitivity will be felt, and this will progress unless a dental filling is provided.
Traditionally, dentists make use of metal fillings but that is no longer the normal practice today. White teeth fillings are most desired by patients and dentists for a lot of reasons and they remain to the more popular choice because they are definitely healthier than silver amalgam. It is also essential take note of the more important things:
– The most popular benefit that patients enjoy with
white teeth fillings is that fact that they are tooth-colored and definitely more aesthetically pleasing compared to silver amalgam that is very noticeable in the mouth. The color of the composite resin matches the natural color of the teeth so it is ideal for placement on the portion of the mouth and it is definitely not at all noticeable, especially when the work is superbly done.
– Metal-free fillings are also devoid of the controversial mercury component that is most often linked to mercury poisoning. While in small doses it is really best to avoid further exposure to the lethal metal that is mercury, and it is best done when you opt for the healthier substitute in composite resin.
– Metal, a known thermal conductor, can cause heat sensitivity which may bring some discomfort to the patient. Composite, being plastic, is not a conductor of heat like metal and is definitely healthier. This will not cause unwanted and
unnecessary discomfort for the patient because composite is rather resilient just like most plastic materials.
– When metal is the material used to fill a cavity, you can expect silver amalgam to corrode and stain the tooth as well as the soft tissue adjacent to the tooth. This is not going to be a problem with a metal-free dental filling such as composite resin because it will not stain the tooth at all. It may incur some discoloration on itself but none on the tooth that it covers.
A dental filling is supposed to be a health consideration and when you come to a dentist to receive a solution for a problem that you have, you want for the solution not to put you in further danger. Metal-fillings, although it has long been relied on as a great material for a long time now, is not as reliable anymore given all the studies that work against it. What is safest now is to avoid its use and to go for a healthier, more attractive and relatively safer option.
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