1209 Dundee Avenue Elgin, IL 60120
Crown Lengthening
Crown lengthening is performed to improve the health of the gum tissue, or to prepare the mouth for restorative or cosmetic procedures. Crown lengthening procedures can be used to correct gummy smile, condition where teeth are covered with excess gum tissue. This procedure exposes more of the natural tooth by reshaping and recontouring the bone and gum tissue.
Reasons for crown lengthening
Crown lengthening is a common procedure that has many uses and benefits. Majority of patients who have undergone this treatment are very happy with the final results.
These are some of the most common reasons for crown lengthening:
Restoration of damaged teeth – Periodontal disease can cause severe damage to the teeth. In the place where teeth have been broken beneath the gum line (invisible to the naked eye), crown lengthening can be used to prepare the area for a new restoration to correct the broken teeth.

Cosmetic uses – Removing excess gum tissue can restore and improve the esthetic appereance of your smile.
Dental crowns – Crown lengthening serves to provide more space between the supporting jawbone and dental crown. This prevents the new crown from damaging gum tissues and bone once it is in place.
What does the crown lengthening procedure involve?
Crown lengthening is performed under local anesthetic to numb the area. The time that it takes for this procedure depends on the number of teeth that need to be treated. Any dental crowns that were present prior to the procedure, have to be removed and placed back afterwards. Your Elgin dentist makes series of small incisions around the soft issue so they can separate the gums from the teeth. This will give the access to the roots and underlying bone.
Sometimes, removal of small amount of tissue can provide enough exposure to place the crown. In some other cases, smal amount of bone needs to be removed around the tooth which is done by special dental instruments (hand and rotary instruments).
When the teeth have sufficient exposure, the wound needs to be cleaned and gum tissue sutured with small stiches. The teeth will be noticeably longer after the surgery. The surgical site will be secured using intraoral bandage which serves to prevent the infection. You can use pain killers for the period after the surgery and chlorhexidine rinse. The surgical site will be completely healed in approximately two to three months.
Office Hours
Monday | 10:00 to 6:00 |
Tuesday | 10:00 to 6:00 |
Wednesday | 11:00 to 8:00 |
Thursday | 10:00 to 6:00 |
Friday | 10:00 to 6:00 |
Saturday | 8:00 to 3:00 |
Sunday | Appointment only |
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