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Dentures and Partial Dentures

A denture is a removable dental appliance created to replace your missing teeth and surrounding soft tissues. There are two types of dentures: complete and partial denture. Complete Dentures replace all the teeth in the jaw and partial replaces only several teeth and is combined with the remaining teeth.

Partial dentures will ensure that the remaining teeth don’t shift in the empty space, rotate or inclinate. It will keep them in their natural position. Both types of dentures can enhance the smile and restore the chewing and biting abilities.

Complete dentures can be immediate or conventional. Immediate dentures are prepared in advance and are placed immediately after the teeth have been extracted. It prevents the patient to be toothless during the healing process. However, after the tissues shrink and healing is complete, adjustments need to be made to the denture.

Conventional dentures are made 4-6 weeks after the last tooth extraction. This period is left for the tissues to heal properly and so that the denture can be made as accurate as possible to your present state of the mouth.

Both partial and complete dentures are very stable and durable and can last you for a long period of time. They do need to be adjusted, repaired or replaced over the period of time due to the normal wear.

Indications that you need dentures:

Improving chewing, speaking and digestion
Enhancing the smile and facial features
Partial dentures – loss of several teeth
Complete dentures – loss of all teeth

Elgin Dentures
The procedure requires several appointments over the period of several weeks. Measurements and several accurate impressions (molds) have to be taken and sent to the laboratory. Several try in appointments are also a necessary to ensure the denture to fit properly in your mouth, it has to be therefore corrected, reshaped and modeled. Only this way can the denture fit properly and be comfortable to wear.

After receiving your denture you can experience increased saliva flow (hypersalivation) some pain and tenderness, difficulty in speech but this is normal and will stop in short time after your muscles and surrounding tissues have adapted.

It is important to clean your dentures on the daily basis, to have good oral hygiene and to have regular dental exams to ensure the durability of your new dentures.

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